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Action Protocol for situations of violence in Tango spaces.

Using as a reference the "Action Protocol for situations of violence in Tango spaces", created by the MFT (Movimiento Feminista de Tango) in Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018; We adopt the following preventive and action measures in all our tango spaces: Classes, workshops, practices, milongas, etc. We also invite other tango organizers to review this protocol and implement it in their own spaces.


TQLA is open to listening to suggestions and recommendations since the idea is that this protocol is a guide of actions or recommendations to follow in our spaces. That we can keep this document alive and subject to constant review and not as a rigid and punitive document.

Detection of situations of violence, which may come from:

  • Observation by those responsible for applying the protocol, which includes being attentive during the milonga, practica, class etc; to situations that arise. If you notice any behavior that generates distrust, contact the situation to ensure that no non-consensual action is taking place.

  • The attacked person communicates the situation to those responsible.

  • All space participants can communicate a possible situation to those responsible for the space.

Those responsible for application:

Such responsibility will be assumed by the organizers and workers of the milonga, or other tango scene. It is recommended that all people working in the space have knowledge of the protocol to fulfill the following roles:


Roles of the action takers: These roles must be assigned each time before the event begins.


a) Responsible for supporting the victim: Taking into account that the majority of people attacked by gender violence are women or other dissident identities, the first option should be a woman who fulfills this role.

b) Responsible for recovering objects from the victim, contacting their friends and/or eventually accompanying the aggressor to leave the space.

c) Rest of the workers (kitchen, bar, tables) who will be available in case of emergency for whatever is required of them.

Recommendations to take actions: 

In all cases, you must act with a firm but calm attitude. It is important not to lose your temper. Communication must be assertive. In this sense, never resort to shouting or insults. Keep in mind that the most important thing is the assistance and safety of the person attacked, as well as the rest of the people in the space.


For those who contain: The attacked person is offered to go to a quiet place (dressing room, kitchen, office) sheltering them from the sight of the aggressor so that they can tell what happened, also guaranteeing credibility to their story.

They are asked what they need and how they want to act, explaining that the organization will support their decision.

They are informed about nearby and competent institutions at the time (resource), without forcing them to make a complaint.

It is important not to force them to talk if they don't want to, or to impose solutions; even less blaming the victim, or feeding the emotionality of the situation.

If they decide to leave, offer safe transportation.

Prioritize their peace of mind, will, and security.

With the aggressor:

Kindly invite the aggressor to leave the space.

In all cases, the intention will always be that it is the violated person who can stay to enjoy the space and that the aggressor or violent person is the one who has to leave the place.

Other Practices

• Use non-sexist inclusive language in all public and in-class communications, verbal or written, (having in mind people’s pronounce) in the same way as the roles of dance, (leader-follower, driver–follower, sender-receiver)


• Promote in advertising and marketing images (flyers and others) representations that do not reinforce stereotypes or degrading sexist values: dominant men, subordinate women, sexually objectified, etc.


• Include in the event programming artists, musicians, dancers, dance teachers, musicians, cis and trans, in equal numbers according to sex/gender


• Ensure that payment for these services is equal.


• Include in fantasy dance tango exhibitions duos and dance groups that do not respond to the hegemonic and sexist stereotype.


• Promote in tango-dance classes proposals that dissident the traditional idea of ​​“roles” that tend to perpetuate the asymmetry of power between the members of the dancing duo, and thus contribute to achieving the true meaning of the spirit of tango dance: “a dialogue of peers”


• Encourage, on the social dance floor, disobedience to traditional codes that leave women in a situation of passivity, promoting other more equal practices (e.g.: explicitly proposing that the invitation to dance be free to all people regardless of their sex). /gender or diverse identity) In the same way with new people or visitors to the Tango community (introduce these new members of the community to the regulars, propose a tango to dance with someone new, etc.)


• Spread messages that strengthen the sense of equity in ties and collaborate with equal treatment among participants in the tango community.


• It can also be very useful to add signs in strategic areas (bathrooms, bar, tables, etc.) with messages such as “If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, insecure, violent or is disrespecting you, approach the bar or anyone else.” of the space workers to request support.” - “In this friendly space we do not discriminate against any person.”

For Organizers to consider

We suggest that the availability of this protocol to which you might want adhere, to be communicated:


• On social networks and websites of the organizers, classes, etc.

• On visible posters at the entrance to the milonga and in the bathrooms.

• During the presentations and announcements in the milonga.

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